Announcing Duel at Dusk 2018

Duel at Dusk 2018 Header

“Duel at Dusk” is back! This is the fourth time we are offering this event. Drake & McTrowell, along with help from the ConDor Con 2018, is making it even better than ever.

Not familiar with Duel at Dusk? It’s a steampunk parlor event with dueling. Once again, there will be four types of dueling: steampunk nerf gun dueling, tea dueling, compliment dueling, and our traditional Olympic-style foil fencing! We will also have our usual dazzling array of steampunk vendors, and much, much more.

Duel at Dusk 2018

On-line sales for Duel at Dusk 2018 have been closed. You can still buy tickets at the door!

7 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. on Saturday the 20th of January, 2018

Location: Co-located with ConCor Con
Handlery Hotel
Garden Ballroom
950 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, California 92108

You may buy tickets at the door of the event. $10 for adults (age 13 and up) and $5 for children (ages 4 through 12). If you have a FULL 3-day Membership to ConDor Con for 2018, then you may attend Duel at Dusk for free (please RSVP so we’ll have enough seating).

On-line tickets may be purchased for $8 for adults and $4 for children (only available on-line until 11 PM Wednesday January 17, 2018).

So acquire your tickets, stuff your photographic apparatus into your carpet bag, take in an early dinner, and come join us on the evening of January 20th to participate and/or watch the competitors!

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