Condor 2015
The Dreadful Punks were out in force and fine form.
Dreadfully Punk Panel
And speaking of Dreadfully Punk, Bethany Jackson executed a most creative costume rescue for Sparky. Sparky lost one of the buttons from the blouse of her canonical costume. Bethany offered up an earring from her tea dueling biscuit jewelry collection as a replacement; so sweet and thoughtful!
Bethany Biscuit Button (Earring)
There was a Starburner Galactic Courier Service induction ceremony where agents #32 and #33, Darren Wagner and Lindsay Rae Harold Wagner, were inducted and quite deservedly so.
Inducting Starburner Agents #33 and #32
Starburner Induction Ceremony
Even though we were on a number of panels and had a successful signing with Mysterious Galaxy, we found plenty of time to just hang out with friends like David Lee Summers and Oliver Von Bremen. In case you're wondering, this threesome is getting ready to play a game of Martian Dice.
Martian Dice
We met the Adventure Effect and Sparky got to join them on a panel on staying in character.
The Adventure Effect
The highlight of the weekend was playing Drake & McTrowell's Hot Potato School of Writing™ with guest co-authors Sherwood Smith and Jefferson P. Swycaffer. We were fortunate to have an early evening slot when nothing else was going on, so folks came out in droves. We played a brand new set of plot points and the game was off the hook. Thanks to Kyla at Kyla's Keepsakes for the pics.
Riotous HPSoW
Poplock Holmes was a contestant for one of our games. We don't remember clearly what happened at the end of the game, but he's definitely making a dramatic exit.
Poplock Makes a Break for It
Remember what we said about gracious treatment? ConDor comped us a lovely room. We all know what that means…room party! Fear not; we're not the rowdy type. It was just wall to wall friends eating and chatting.
Room Party
Well, maybe there was music too. This was a particularly sweet moment, Hannah and Poplock Holmes doing an acoustic jam on the balcony.
Hannah and #poplockholmes
Needless to say, we're looking forward to next year. Colleen, sign us up!