Festival of Fools 2016
Who’s Ready for Some Foolishness?
Festival of Fools Poster
We started the festivities by appearing on San Diego Living on the local CW station. We steampunked the hosts, Lynda Martin and Clint August.
San Diego Living
Drake pitched in by creating the brochure and map.
Festival of Fools Brochure
We thought we were in 2016, but it’s possible we were in 1885.
Back to the Future
Because it was outdoors with lots of open space, we took the opportunity for some sporting and busking shenanigans. We broke out the croquet set.
Extreme Croquet
Let the Wookie Win
Even Doc Phineas Paid our Pitch a Visit
We did lots of juggling; Drake even taught a few lessons. We spent so much time busking and performing that we didn’t have a lot of time to take pictures. We’re grateful to Bethany Jackson, Hybrid Realities Cosplay, Michael Watson, and Debbie Boyd for many of the following pictures.
Juggling Fools
And another in our continuing series, “Separated at Birth…”
Separated at Birth?
We ran not one, but two, full sessions of Drake & McTrowell’s Hot Potato School of Writing™. The first one was on the main stage. Judging by the pics, it had more than even our usual level of shenanigans.
Hot Potato School of Writing™ on the Main Stage
The second session was in the more casual setting of the Dreadful Lounge.
Open Air Hot Potato School of Writing™
Of course, no convention would be complete without a little music and dancing, compliments of Frenchy & the Punk.
Frenchy & the Punk
Plus Dancing
Um, What’s Going on Here?
We hope to see you all there next year!
Until Next Year