Getting the Word Out at SteamCon III

We (Katherine and Dave) have been paying attention to the feedback that we’re getting from our loyal readers, and one of our consistent requests is that we add more to the Adventures of Drake & McTrowell website than just the running cyberserial story. So we’ll be adding some non-story Drake & McTrowell information. We also plan to have more pictures, illustrations, and the like; you know, visually interesting stuff.

So here we go with the first installment, just for you, dear reader.

Katherine and I will attending
SteamCon III in Seattle, Washington, from October 14th through 16th. We will be there in full Drake & McTrowell regalia. We attended last year, and had a great time. One of the things that we enjoyed about it was that they had a daily newspaper for the convention that not only contained the events of the day, but also advertisements for the various steampunk vendors, authors, and web sites.

We decided this year to put in a 6x4 inch “ad” for our web site. The organizers just sent us an approval for our ad, so we wanted to share it with everyone.

SteamCon III Ad DrakeAndMcTrowell Final

We hope that it grabs the attention of a gagillion SteamCon attendees.

For those of you that attended last year’s SteamCon II, it was there that Dr. Sparky McTrowell and her crew won the Airship Regatta (as
reported in the Seattle Times article)! The regatta was hosted by Girl Genius’s own Cheyenne Wright, the web comic’s colorist. Real fans of our cyberserial will jump with joy when they find out that the famous Seattle Times’ photo of Sparky piloting the balloon craft is on sale.

See you at the Con!!

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