Oh Hats!

I’m pretty sure that at some point in my life I uttered the words, “I’m not a hat person.” Wrong-o! I now have one whole shelf at the top of my closet stacked up with hats and hat boxes. Maybe I should put hooks into the ceiling.

For some time now, Drake and I have been talking about developing “Drake & McTrowell before they were Drake & McTrowell” costumes, i.e. costumes for our back stories. If you’re not sure what that might mean, here are a couple of clues.


Other Clues are Hiding in this Pic

If you’re still not sure, I recommend catching up with “
The Pecos Incident” and “The Parisian Party.” Failing all else, catch us at Wild Wild West Con next week where we’ll be premiering our new ensembles. Not a hat person, indeed!

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