Tour of London

Back in May, we had the good fortune to find ourselves in London on business. We took the opportunity to visit most of the sites in London where we staged many of our episodes. They don’t look quite like they did in 1851, but most of the buildings have been there since then and many of them a lot longer. Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese has been there since 1666!

Tour of London

Thanks to Google Maps for Making this Bloop Possible

So, using the magic Google Maps provides, click on the link above and peruse the various sites mentioned in the Drake & McTrowell story to date. Just click on the location flags in the map to see the pictures we took and a brief description of how each site figures into our adventures.

Oh, yeah, I just want to mention that we walked our tootsies off! And not a hansom in sight when you need one.


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