WonderCon 2017
Ursula and Neptune on Saturday
Queen of Hearts and Mad Hatter on Sunday
There were several clever mashups including Nikki Pardee and Krissy Stache as steampunk Cogsworth and Lumière, respectively. Plus, they’re crossplaying both characters.
Steampunk Cogsworth and Lumière
Speaking of crossplay, there was this stunning Joker. We don’t know how she survived all day in those heels, but boy does she looking amazing doing it.
Crossplaying the Joker
Okay, so Iron Man is a pretty serious warrior, so this makes a whole bunch of sense. It’s another fine example of attention to detail.
Samurai Iron Man
But this is the one that made us laugh. Lonstermash does a canonical Wolverine most of the time, but he told us he does this for Sundays and WonderCon was pretty close to Easter.
Wolverine Bunny
Although we laughed, we also ran. Those carrots are super sharp and pointy!
Our next event is Gaslight Gathering in San Diego! Come join us for the fun!